PODMINERS - Digital Radio and Podcasting Platform Based Blockchain!



PodMiners is a digital radio and podcasting platform that allows content creators, consumers and advertisers to collaborate on a global level.  Blockchain is a public ledger where everyone can check data records.  The platform has its own digital currency called PodMiners Tokens (POMT). As the consumption increases, the value of the token increases over time.  

Blockchain solutions

  • Discoverability
PodMiners provides provision for automatic publishing of content across platforms. Your content is more discoverable.
  • Monetization
By activating the show advertising model, PodMiners allows ecosystem users to monetize their content worldwide according to terms and conditions.
  • Advertising fraud
Automated bots already lead to ad scams. PodMiners strives to make a difference by creating bridges for consumers and advertisers.
  • middleman
Blockchain eliminates the involvement of third parties and allows small payments. It helps advertisers, content creators, and consumers deal directly and build a strong community.
  • Random fake reviews
Random fake reviews spoil your reputation. In PodMiners, the likelihood of fake reviews is reduced. Users who actually used paid content can review the content creator.
  • On-time payment
The implementation of blockchain smart contracts makes PodMiners a fair and open platform, which allows creators to receive immediate payments for specific meeting requirements.
  • security
Blockchain makes PodMiners, a very safe and transparent system with improved efficiency in various processes. This blockchain-based platform provides a secure medium for publishers.
  • Small payment
Creators can download monthly subscriptions or small amounts of selected episodes for their shows and receive small payments from consumers.  


Reward content creators to gain a transparent and decentralized product and service ecosystem across the global community with the ability to track content ownership. Developing a new model that eliminates ad scams to improve ROI on podcasting, live radio streaming, and ad spending. Our long-term vision will be one of the best markets that users like. Built on top of a blockchain technology platform using personalized cryptocurrency-PodMiners tokens for internal operations.  %D0%A1%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BA%20%D1%8D%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%202019-09-18%20%D0%B2%2017.58.18%20%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%8F.jpg 

Social Contribution

PodMiners will focus on empowering women and children and move forward to make the necessary contributions. The PodMiners Organization also supports immediate causes such as hunger, medical care and war. We believe that in this growing industry, our organization should take a social step in increasing or profiting from the rabbits in the market. As competition grows in all industries, all users need quality services and products, but they are also concerned about the contributions they can make to improve society. So by participating in PodMiners, you can indirectly participate in your organization's growth and social causes, creating a better place. In return, businesses can participate in social welfare programs and donations.
  • Awareness programs and seminars that allow women to spread knowledge about health, rights, work from home, and more.
  • To help food, health care, and clothing in case of immediate cause or disaster.
  • Primary education of children.
  • Books, uniforms, and other training materials are available.
  • Practical knowledge of computers through proper training of professionals

Tokens are used for the following purposes:

  • Reward your content creator.
  • Access applications and services such as audio recording, sharing, and publishing.
  • Podcast ad
  • Completing simple tasks rewards consumers by brand.
  • Reward creators based on voting, speaking and content sharing.

PodMiners token distribution

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Token Details

1. Private Sale
2. Pre-Sale
3. IEO (Initial Exchange Offering)
4. Crowd-Sale
Start Date
01 September, 2019
End Date
30 September, 2019
Number of tokens for sale
20 Million POMT

Useful Links :

Author :
Bitcointalk Profile : maniabireta
ETH Address : 0x0a897Df7C706b134E19c7ea2D835FF765842B395

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